Town of Hiram Fall Newsletter
Click the title above to access the latest newsletter from the Town of Hiram.
Hiram, ME
Click the title above to access the latest newsletter from the Town of Hiram.
The aurora borealis made a stunning show at the pond.
Here’s a recommendation if you need snow plowing or other odd jobs at home.
Check out what’s new at the public boat launch on the pond.
The most recent meeting minutes and treasurer’s report are available.
Have you noticed something new bobbing in the water? It’s a reminder to watercraft operators.
Click the title above to read about Lake Stewards of Maine activities and programs this past year.
Read how invasive milfoil is affecting Maine lakes.
Our spring watershed survey found some areas of concern regarding possible polluted runoff into the pond.
We need to be mindful of not disturbing our loon nest. Please click the above title for information on good loon-friendly behavior.